Friday, March 27, 2009

Things to Ponder

My how time flies! I can hardly believe this Sunday is the 5th Sunday in Lent already. We've had fun preaching on the lessons from the Hebrew Scriptures each Sunday morning. I have a feeling we'll be hitting the Gospel of John pretty hard during the great 50 days of Easter. Wahoo! With moving from our rented townhouse to the new house we just bought, there hasn't been a whole lot of time for reading at our house, though beginning to unpack box after box of books feels like a reunion with old friends. More about that later. For now, check out these quotes from the Emergence conference that Mary Hess posted. My current favorite is from Shane Claiborne: You can have all the right answers and still be mean. And if you’re mean, no one will listen to you. So true, so true.

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